
Posts Tagged ‘president’

Praying for My President…

January 20, 2009 1 comment

I’m a rock ribbed conservative, but I feel a strong sense of hope for our new President.  He appears to be a committed family man, an honest person, and one who is willing to reach across ideological lines.   Though I disagree with some of his stated positions, I truly believe he cares for this country and wants to improve things for all people.  We only have one president at a time, and I choose not to mirror the rancor and disrespect shown to GWB by liberals everyday for the past eight years.

One of my favorite bloggers, and a pastor I look to for inspiration and guidance, David Foster had a great post yesterday.  It made me think and has inspired me to follow his lead.  Here’s the essence – slightly edited:

Here are my seven promises to President Obama as he makes history and begins his presidency.

1. President Obama, I promise to pray for you each and every day that God would give you wisdom and favor and that He would protect you from those who are evil.

2. I promise to respect you for not only what you have achieved personally and how you’ve taken advantage of all your opportunities, but also for the fact that you fulfill the role of President of my country, an office worthy of respect. Though the men who have occupied it have been imperfect, its ideal still abides; a Democracy ruled over not by a King, but by a President elected by the people.

3. I promise to support you where I can and to reserve judgment over those things I disagree with, believing that you may know more about the subject than I do.

4. I promise to believe the best about you. I won’t listen to conspiracy theories and throw you under the bus at the first sign that you may not be doing something the majority of the people agree with.

5. I promise to be the kind of American worthy of a great President.

6. I promise I will not expect you to do for me what I should be doing for myself. I’m glad I don’t live in a Socialist state. I live in a Democracy driven by Capitalism, the idea that I am personally responsible for my actions. So I’ll not ask you to pay my house payment or feed me unless I have a catastrophic disability. I’m willing to pay my taxes and my fair share and fully take responsibility.

7. I promise to remember that you’re human; that you occupy an office that no human can be expected to perform flawlessly. I’ll try to put myself in your place even though it would be hard to do.

This is a day of new beginnings for our country. I plan to be in on it. I’m not going to sit on the sidelines and throw stones. I want to be a part of the solution, the change that we all hope and pray will happen. As a man of faith it is my obligation and responsibility. And as a citizen, it is the covenant I signed up for.

Read Foster’s original post HERE.

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Ten things that are true, no matter who occupies the White House

November 6, 2008 2 comments

This is not a political blog – I do have opinions, which I’m willing and able to discuss and debate, but not here.  That’s why I’ve not posted anything about the campaign or the election.  But my wife received an email forward that she sent to me that I thought was excellent, and I’ve tweaked it a little…

Ten things that are true, no matter who occupies the White House:

1. The Bible still has all the answers.

2. Prayer still works.

3. The Holy Spirit still moves.

4. God still inhabits the praises of His people.

5. There is still God-anointed preaching.

6. There is still singing of praise to God.

7. God still pours out blessings upon His people.

8. There is still be room at the Cross.

9. Jesus still loves you.

10. Jesus still saves the lost.

Isn’t it great to know Who is still in control?

Yes, it is – and that list is far from exhaustive.  The bottom line for me is that the mission, purpose, and work God calls us to through Jesus Christ doesn’t change based on who the President is.  Yesterday on Twitter, I wrote: Sun came up today, the sky had not fallen, God is still on the throne, Christ followers still have a world to reach for Him. Life goes on.

To Christ followers who are Republicans: Let’s dry our eyes, stop whining, and get back to advancing the Kingdom.

To Christ followers who are Democrats: Let’s wrap up the party and the gloating, and get back to advancing the Kingdom.

Jesus for President?

August 4, 2008 6 comments

I have to admit, I kinda dig this idea…  Too late for this year, but maybe 2012???


Church launching Jesus for president campaign

Jesus Christ’s epic Sermon on the Mount, with its calls for peacemaking, helping the poor and working for justice, could well be compared to a modern political campaign speech in front of the multitudes in a modern stadium.

Now a Gilbert church is launching a Jesus for President campaign and will conduct a two-month effort starting in August – parallel to the U.S. presidential campaign – that emphasizes a familiar issue in the 2008 campaign: change.

“Advocating for Change Since 33 A.D.” is the secondary theme of the campaign that Pastor Mark Connelly is launching this weekend at Superstition Springs Community Church at 4450 E. Elliot Road.

Members will be asked to put “Jesus for President” signs in their yards and wear buttons with the same appeal. And like all candidates, it will be promoted by a Web site,

“In the midst of political chaos and social inequality, Jesus ran a platform where people did not just lobby for change; they became change,” say the organizers of the campaign, which will be launched Aug. 9 and conclude Oct. 5.


Read the entire article HERE