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Faith and the Future

Mark Beeson, Pastor of Granger Community Church near South Bend, IN posted this amazing, thought-provoking video on his blog a couple of days ago:

Mark’s comments: Our economy is down and the world is changing fast.  Whether we’re slipping into darkness or poised for unprecedented success depends on our next steps.  When I watch this video I feel like I should try to bump up my game a notch or two. How about you?

My comments: In my last message of 2008, I talked about “Changing the World from a Cornfield.”  We’re a small church in a small community – how are we going to change the world?  Here’s part of what I said:

The rapid development of technology is shrinking this world…  Folks, remember when they showed us those films in school of what the future would look like?  It’s coming true!  Not the bubble top cars – closest we ever got to that was the AMC Pacer! – or meals in a single capsule – but technology, the computer and communication stuff they told us about is rapidly becoming reality…

 Video conferencing and computer based meeting technology makes it possible for us to disciple and train leaders all over the world from right here in Flora!  We can be connected in real time to churches and ministry leaders EVERYWHERE!   

The eternal truth of God’s word and the continual development of technology makes global ministry not just a possibility – but a reality!

That video produces awe in me, excitement and anticipation, but not fear or panic – if we will harness the technology, leverage it as part of our outreach strategy, we will touch lives all over the world in ways that would not have been possible even five years ago.

TODAY is the day to begin dreaming God-sized dreams and partnering with Him to do God-sized things.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Jon Spadino
    February 3, 2009 at 3:06 pm

    Check out my Church in regards to the vision. http://www.lifeprintchurch.org

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